Terms and Condition




Terms of Use


This page states the terms under which you may use the Website. By accessing the Website, you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms.


Sharing Your Content and Information


You own all of the content and information you post on SCE Marketplace

For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, you specifically give us the following permission, you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with SCE Marketplace (“IP License”). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it.

When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a

reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).

When you publish content or information, you allow all users of SCE Marketplace, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you.

We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about SCE Marketplace, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).



You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as a pyramid scheme, on SCE Marketplace

You will not upload viruses or other malicious code.

You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.

You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.

You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.

You will not use SCE Marketplace to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.

You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working of SCE Marketplace, such as a denial of service attack.

You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement.


Registration and Account Security


You will not provide any false personal information on SCE Marketplace, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.

You will not create more than one personal account.

You will not use SCE Marketplace if you are under 18.

You will not use SCE Marketplace if you are a convicted sex offender.

You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.

You will not share your password, let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.

You will not transfer your account to anyone without first getting our written permission.





                                        Protecting Other People’s Rights


You will not post content or take any action on SCE Marketplace that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law.

We can remove any content or information you post on SCE Marketplace if we believe that it violates this Statement.

If we remove your content for infringing someone else’s copyright, and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal.

If you repeatedly infringe other people’s intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.

You will not use our copyrights or trademarks or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.



We can change this Statement if we provide you notice.

We can make changes for legal or administrative reasons, or to correct an inaccurate Statement,

upon notice without opportunity to comment.



You acknowledge that the contract for the provision of the services is between customers (those who requires a service) and the professionals (those who provide the service) and agree that SCE Marketplace does not supervise, direct, control, or monitor professionals in the performance of any contractual obligations. It is the professional who is responsible for the provision of the services to you. Scemarketplace.com shall have no liability to you whatsoever in respect of the provision of the services and/or dealings with any of the professionals who are listed on the website. This means that any error or delay in the performance of the services, any breach of obligations, and any fraudulent misrepresentation made by a professional directly on the website, is the full and complete responsibility of each professional.


You further acknowledge and agree that you(customers) are solely responsible for evaluating and determining the suitability of any professional, for assessing whether to enter into a customer contract and for verifying any information concerning the professional.


We accept no liability for the information contained on any third-party websites linked to on our website and we won’t be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from use of them.


SCE Marketplace has no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.


If you are a business customer, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which apply to this website or any content on it, whether expressed or implied. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even for seen arising under or in connection with the facilitation services. We will not be liable for any loss or profits, sales or revenue and loss incurred in anyways.


In recognition that SCE marketplace is not party to any contract between customers and professionals(providers), you hereby release us from claims, demands, damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown arising out of or in any way connected with any dispute you have with a professional that exist as of the time you enter into this agreement. This includes all conditions.


The customer and service providers (professionals) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless SCE Marketplace, and all its employees against claim actions, proceedings, losses (including without limitation court costs) arising from customers and professional use of this facilitation services.  



If you elect to purchase Paid Services, you understand that your paid account is personal to you and you may not transfer or make available your account name and password to others. Any distribution by you of your account name and password may result in cancellation of your paid account without refund and/or additional charges based on unauthorized use. SCE Marketplace reserves the right, from time to time, to change the Paid Services, with or without prior notice to you.


You may terminate your Paid Account at any time within the account settings tab within the “My SCE Marketplace” section on the site and following the simple steps or by using the contact form on the site to contact support. Please note that if we determine, in our sole discretion, that you are not complying with these Terms of Service, we reserve the right to terminate your Paid Services. Upon any termination of your Paid Services, we may immediately deactivate or delete your Site membership and all related information and/or bar any further access by you to the SCE Marketplace through any and all available means. Any termination of your Paid Services is subject to no refund.


Prices for all Paid Services on SCE Marketplace are in UK Pound Sterling. To the extent permissible under law, you are responsible for any applicable taxes, whether or not they are listed on your receipt or Statement. If you purchase any Paid Services, you agree to pay SCE Marketplace, using a valid credit or debit card (or other form of payment that we may accept from time to time), the applicable fees and taxes (if any) set forth in the offer that you accepted. We reserve the right to change the amount of any fees and to institute new fees, effective at the end of your current subscription period. All authorized charges will be billed to your designated credit or debit card account (or other payment method). If payment cannot be charged and is returned for any reason, SCE Marketplace reserves the right to either suspend or terminate your access to the unpaid-for Paid Services. It is your responsibility to ensure that sufficient funds are available to cover the charges for the Paid Services, and SCE Marketplace has no liability for any overdraft or other fees that you may incur as a result of processing your payment. Refund & Cancellation Policy


You are free to cancel any upgrade subscriptions at any time; however, we do not refund for services already paid for. If you decide to cancel your subscription you will still receive the services, you have already paid for. Once you reach the end of your current subscription period, any recurring payments due will be cancelled.



If you violate the terms of service, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of SCE Marketplace to you. We will notify you by email or at the next time you attempt to access your account. You may also delete your account at any time. In all such cases, this Statement shall terminate.



By “SCE Marketplace” we mean the features and services we make available, including through (a) our website at www.scemarketplace.com and any other SCE Marketplace branded or cobranded websites (including sub-domains, international versions, widgets, and mobile versions) and (b) other media, software (such as a toolbar), devices, or networks now existing or later developed. developers and website operators, to retrieve data from SCE Marketplace or provide data to us.

By “information” we mean facts and other information about you, including actions you take. By “content” we mean anything you post on SCE Marketplace that would not be included in the definition of “information.”

By “data” we mean content and information that third parties can retrieve from SCE Marketplace or provide to SCE Marketplace

By “post” we mean post on scemarketplace.com or otherwise make available to us (such as by using an application).


This Statement makes up the entire agreement between the parties regarding SCE Marketplace, and supersedes any prior agreements.

If any portion of this Statement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect.

If we fail to enforce any of this Statement, it will not be considered a waiver.

Any amendment to or waiver of this Statement must be made in writing and signed by us. You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Statement to anyone else without our consent. This agreement between you and SCE Marketplace is governed in all respects by English law and the parties to this agreement submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


All of our rights and obligations under this Statement are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.

Nothing in this Statement shall prevent us from complying with the law.

This Statement does not confer any third party beneficiary rights.

You will comply with all applicable laws when using or accessing scemarketplace.com